Half Stack Amp Packages
Half stack pack including the Marshall Studio JTM ST20H Head with matching ST212 2x12” cabinet, plus speaker cable
Half stack pack including the Marshall Studio JTM ST20H Head with matching ST112 1x12” cabinet, plus speaker cable
Half Stack Package including EVH 5150 Iconic Series 80W Head Black + EVH 5150 Iconic Series 4x12 Cabinet Black + Speaker Cable
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL100HR 100 watt head, Marshall MX412BR 2 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
Half stack package including the Marshall Origin 50H head amplifier and Origin 412A 4x12 Angled cabinet, complete with speaker cable
Half stack pack including the Orange Super Crush 100 Head Amplifier in Black with matching Black Orange Crush Pro 412 Cabinet, complete with Speaker Cable
Half stack pack including the Orange Super Crush 100 Head Amplifier and Orange Crush Pro 412 Cabinet, complete with Speaker Cable
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Half stack amp package including the Marshall Origin 20H Head and Origin212A Cabinet, plus speaker cable
Half stack pack including the EVH 5150III 15W LBX-S Head Amplifier, EVH 5150III 1x12 Straight Cabinet in Black and speaker cable
Half stack pack including the EVH 5150III 50S 6L6 Head, EVH 5150III 50S 212ST Cabinet and speaker cable
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Half stack amp package including the Marshall Origin 20H Head and Origin212 Cabinet, plus a speaker cable
Includes: Marshall Studio Classic SC20H valve amplifier head; Marshall Studio Classic SC112 1x12" speaker cabinet; Speaker Cable
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Includes: Marshall Studio Vintage SV20H valve amplifier head; Marshall Studio Vintage SV212 2x12" speaker cabinet; Speaker Cable
500 Watt hybrid bass head amplifier, packaged with 1 x 12 speaker cabinet
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL20HR 20 watt head, Marshall MX212AR 2 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL100HR 100 watt head, Marshall MX412AR 2 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL100HR 100 watt head, Marshall MX212R 2 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL20HR 20 watt head, Marshall MX212 2 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL20HR 20 watt head, Marshall MX112R 1 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
Half stack package including the Marshall DSL1HR 1 watt head, Marshall MX112R 1 x 12" speaker cabinet, PEDL-90011 footswitch and speaker cable.
15 watt Rocker 15 Terror amplifier, PPC212V Speaker Cabinet and speaker cable
Micro Terror and Black PPC108 Included, Speaker Cable, ECC83 Preamp Valve, 20 Watts, 8 Inch Speaker
15 Watts, 4 x ECC83 & 2 x EL84 tubes, 2 channels, Footswitch included, 1 x 12" Celestion G12H 30W Anniversary Series speaker
Package Includes Marshall 2525H Mini Jubilee Head, Marshall 2536A with 2 x Celestion V30s
Package includes 2525H Head and 2536 2x12 Cabinet, Speaker Lead
Package includes Orange Micro Dark Head and PPC108 Cab in Black, Speaker Cable
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5 Watt Valve Head and 1x12 inch speaker cabinet, Celestion G12H 70th Anniversary Speaker
Package with the 30 Watt Valve Dual Terror Head, PPC212OB Cab and Speaker Cable.
All valve 3 channel 50 watt head with matching 2x12" cabinet
Package includes Orange Rockerverb 50 MKIII Head, PPC212 Closed Back Cab and a Speaker Cable
In 1972 Orange launched an amp that defined their sound. It was dubbed the 'Pics Only' due to the absence of any text, instead using pictures only on the face plate of the amp...
Micro Terror and PPC108 Included, Speaker Cable, ECC83 Preamp Valve, 20 Watts, 8 Inch Speaker
30 Watt Valve Head, Twin Channels, Bundled Deal with PPC112 Cabinet
The Orange Dark Terror Head is a high gain, 15 watt, all-valve guitar amplifier. The Orange DA15H Dark Terror incorporates the Shape control that is featured on the p...
Half Stack Amp Packages
Electric guitar Half Stack packages are a good way to save money. We have combined popular guitar amp heads and speaker cabinets to offer excellent deals. We also may be able to offer deals on other amp heads and speaker cabinets that aren't listed. Please just give us a quick call if you wish to get a quote. For sale online at Guitar.co.uk online and in our Glasgow shop.